Unleashing the Inner Muse

Website Updates


So, this is not a new story update or anything, but rather a website update. I have slowly been adding my old stories to the site. You will notice them on the stories dropdown menu. I’m trying to archive and move everything here so they are not only on the site for N’Sync fiction.

I’ve lost a lot of my old works over the years I didn’t publish or others I was working on locally to finish before publishing.

With the passing of time, I have kind of lost interest in only writing Justin stories for the most part so I am not 100% sure how into it I will be like before. For sure, if I do use him, it will most likely be alternate reality stories outside of “N’Sync” because that era has passed for me.

I am still writing; they are not Justin stories and it is a personal hobby for me with fellow writers in groups where I attend meetups and events/workshops.

I’ve been adding the old stories back and reading a few for grammar/spelling errors. I did not have a proofreader so you will spot errors in my works that I didn’t catch.

In addition, I updated the banners on the site and I’m only bringing in all of the completed works to this site.

For those that are ongoing, I will have to decide what I will do with them. Will I ever try to finish them, especially for those that I lost work for, or will they be on permanent hiatus? I will keep you posted on that. I have attempted numerous times to pick back up uncompleted works and fell off again. I have realized that I thrive with short chapter stories but not very long, drawn-out ones.

In the meantime, if you are a new reader just discovering my works, I hope you enjoy your read and always feel free to tell me your thoughts.

~ D


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